Tabasalu Gymnasium is situated in Harku municipality close to Tallinn. There are 960 students, from 1 to 12 grade. Our school has participated in many international programmes recently, including Erasmus+ and Nordplus as a participant and coordinator.
In cooperation with local enterprises and the local Junior Achievement agency, we are developing our curriculum by adding entrepreneurship as a subject into students’ study plans in lower and upper secondary school.
To add practical skills to theory we co-operate with local entrepreneurs who introduce their success stories and experiences to our students. Students are encouraged to form students’ mini-businesses.
This experience provides them with valuable experience and skills such as decision making, teamwork and problem solving. They look after a business bank account, develop and sell their own product lines – with the chance of generating real profits. We have already seen some success with this, as last year one of them was chosen the best in Estonia among students from classes 7.-9.