Iceland visit 24. – 30. September 2017
- Student groups worked on marketing and finished design of their products
- Sustainable approach was added to the student companies
- Market place in Riga is Saturday 10. March 2018. Program is 6. – 11. March.
- Work 10-13 on the Sunday 11. March.
- At least 10 items of every product made for the student fair in Latvia
- Latvia will create an e-booklet introducing student businesses
- E-Courses have to be fixed and made accessable for students and teachers
- Every countries create videos from powerpoints
- Collect all the videos on the local enterprices.
- Teachers participating in the e-course meeting.
- Names of the students going to Latvia before end of January
- Before 7. October 2017: Number of teachers and wishes for hotel rooms, single/double
- Month before Latvia visit: Write a list of things student companies need for the fair.
- Month before Latvia visit: Every country prepairs application for Europass for all students and
- Rocco creates a Google account to collect all the photos from the visit
- Look forward to the Latvia visit